We maintain course Moodle sites and if you register with us as a supervisor we will add you to the appropriate site.
The sites for the BMB and MIMS courses have the contents of the Course Handbook already added.
The bulk of it is information about the practicals but it includes timetables, a statement of Aims and Objectives, a reading list, information and guidance about the examination, and sets of recent Tripos examination papers. Lecturers have been encouraged to make their handouts, and any supplementary material such as PowerPoint Slides available – and the handouts will usually be posted in advance of lectures being given. Audio files will also be available after the lecture had been given, where we have permission to do so.
Most BMB lecturers also provide a list of questions relating to their lectures and answers to these are in the supervisor section of the Moodle site. The aim is to promote discussion and to encourage students to think about the experimental evidence relating to the course material and about experimental design.
The supervisor section of the site contains specimen answers to the data handling examination papers (Section II for MIMS, Paper 3 for BMB). We suggest and prefer that these are not revealed to the students until they have attempted the questions themselves. Lecturers may also place supplementary resources for the use of supervisors on this site
Once registered with the department all supervisors should receive a letter from the course organiser, which is also posted on Moodle. This letter includes details of supervisor sessions offered by the department.
Logging in to Moodle
If you are within the University and have a CRSid (with an associated @cam e-mail address and default Hermes account), we shall use that to register you for either Moodle site. Moodle is accessed at https://www.vle.cam.ac.uk/. For both systems you will use the Raven login button and your Raven password to log in. You will get an automatic e-mail welcome message from the Moodle system administrator regarding access, unless you have chosen to "suppress" your e-mail address. In order to receive automatic e-mail notifications from from Moodle, you need to have an email address set in the Lookup directory that is not "suppressed". To check your Lookup entry go to http://www.lookup.cam.ac.uk/ , login using your Raven password, and click on the “your page" link. Clicking the edit button allows you to change your attributes, including setting your preferred e-mail address if you have a CRSid but routinely use a different e-mail address such as abc@mole.bio.cam.ac.uk. If you have forgotten (or do not have) a Raven password, go to http://raven.cam.ac.uk/.
If you are a Guest user from outside the University without a CRSid, we shall use the email address that you have given us. You will get an automatic e-mail message from the Moodle system administrator that gives instructions that you need to follow to complete the registration process. When that is completed, you use the "Friends login" button on the Moodle welcome page.
Using Moodle
Once logged into Moodle, you will be taken to your Moodle home page, which is where you will see the list of sites that you have been added to. Simply click on the desired site to see the uploaded resources. There is a "Help" box to the right of the page if you require any further assistance.