H. R. Mott & D. Owen (2018) Allostery and dynamics in small G proteins. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 46 1333-1343.
D. Owen & H.R. Mott (2018) CRIB effector disorder: exquisite function from chaos. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 46 1289-1302.
G.J.N. Tetley, A. Szeto, A.J. Fountain, H.R. Mott & D.Owen (2018) Bond swapping from a charge cloud allows flexible coordination of upstream signals through WASP: Multiple regulatory roles for the WASP basic region. J. Biol. Them. 293 15136-15151.
H.R Mott & D. Owen (2018) Bioblockades join the assault on small G protein signalling. (2018) Semin Cancer Biol in press.
G.J.N. Tetley, H.R. Mott, R.N Cooley, D. Owen (2017) A dock and coalesce mechanism driven by hydrophobic interactions governs Cdc42 binding with its effector protein ACK. J. Biol. Chem. 292 11361-11373.
T. Bartossek, N.G. Jones, C. Schäfer, M. Cvitković , M. Glogger, H. R. Mott, J. Kuper, M. Brennich, M. Carrington, A.S. Smith, S. Fenz, C. Kisker, M. Engstler. (2017) Structural basis for the shielding function of the dynamic trypanosome variant surface glycoprotein coat. Nat. Microbiol 2 1523-1532.
C.D. Hurst, O. Alder, F.M. Platt, A. Droop, L.F. Stead, J.E. Burns, G.J. Burghel, S. Jain, L.J. Klimczak, H. Lindsay, J.A. Roulson, C.F. Taylor, H. Thygesen, A.J. Cameron, A.J. Ridley, H.R. Mott, D.A. Gordenin, M.A. Knowles (2017) Genomic Subtypes of Non-invasive Bladder Cancer with Distinct Metabolic Profile and Female Gender Bias in KDM6A Mutation Frequency. Cancer Cell 32 701-715.
J.R. Watson, H.M. Fox, D. Nietlispach, J.L. Gallop, D. Owen D & H.R. Mott (2016) Investigation of the interaction between Cdc42 and its effector TOCA1: handover of Cdc42 to the actin regulator N-WASP is facilitated by differential binding affintiies. J. Biol. Chem. 291 13875-13890.
J.C. Thomas, J.M. Cooper, N.S. Clayton, C. Wang, M.A. White, C. Abell, D. Owen & H.R. Mott (2016) Inihibition of Ral GTPases using a stapled peptide approach. J. Biol. Chem. 291 18310-18325.
J.R. Watson, D. Nietlispach, D. Owen D & H.R. Mott (2016) 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of the Cdc42-binding domain of TOCA1. Biomol NMR Assign. 10 413-414
J. R. Watson, D. Owen & H.R. Mott (2016) Cdc42 in actin dynamics: an ordered pathway governed by complex equilibria and directional effector handover. Small GTPases. 11 1-8
H.R. Mott & D. Owen (2015) Structures of Ras superfamily effector complexes: What have we learnt in two decades? Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol. 50 85-133.
D.J. Crick, J.X. Wang, B. Graham, J.D. Swarbrick, H.R. Mott & D. Nietlispach D. (2015) Integral membrane protein structure determination using pseudocontact shifts. J. Biomol NMR 61 197-207.
L. J Campbell, M. Peppa, M.D. Crabtree, A. Shafiq, N.F. McGough, H.R. Mott & D. Owen (2015) Thermodynamic mapping of effector protein interfaces with RalA and RalB. Biochemistry. 54 1380-1389.
H.R. Mott & D.Owen (2014) Structure and function of RLIP76 (RalBP1): an intersection point between Ras and Rho signalling. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 42 52-58.
K.V. Rajasekar, L.J. Campbell, D. Nietlispach, D.Owen & H.R. Mott (2013) The structure of the RLIP76 RhoGAP-Ral binding domain dyad: fixed position of the domains leads to dual engagement of small G proteins at the membrane. Structure 21 2131-2142.
C.L. Hutchinson, P.N. Lowe, S.H. McLaughlin, H.R. Mott & D.Owen (2013) Differential binding of RhoA, RhoB and RhoC to protein kinase C-related kinase (PRK) isoforms PRK1, PRK2, and PRK3: PRKs have the highest affinity for RhoB Biochemistry 52 7999-8011.
A.W. Fitzpatrick, G.T. Debelouchina, M.J. Bayro, D.K. Clare, M.A. Caporini, V.S. Bajaj, C.P. Jaroniec, L. Wang, V. Ladizhansky, S.A. Müller, C.E. MacPhee, C.A. Waudby, H.R. Mott, A. De Simone, T.P. Knowles, H.R. Saibil, M. Vendruscolo, E.V. Orlova, R.G. Griffin, C.M. Dobson (2013) Atomic structure and hierarchical assembly of a cross-β amyloid fibril. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110 5468-5473.
K.V. Rajasekar, L.J. Campbell. D.Nietlispach, D. Owen & H.R. Mott (2011) (1)H, (13)C and (15)N resonance assignments of the GTPase-activating (GAP) and Ral binding domains (GBD) of RLIP76 (RalBP1). Biomol. NMR Assigments 6 119-122. PubMed. BioMagResBank
C.L. Hutchinson, P.N. Lowe, S.H. McLaughlin, H.R. Mott & D. Owen (2011) Mutational analysis reveals a single binding interface between RhoA and its effector, PRK1. Biochemistry 50 2860-2869. PubMed. Full text.
R. B. Fenwick, L.J. Campbell, K. Rajasekar, S. Prasannan, D. Nietlispach, J. Camonis, D. Owen & H.R. Mott (2010) The RalB-RLIP76 complex reveals a novel mode of Ral-effector interaction. Structure 18 985-995. PubMed. Full text.
H.R. Mott & D. Owen (2010) RLIP76 (RalBP1): the first piece of the structural puzzle. Small GTPases 1 157-160. PubMed. Full text.
A. Gautier, H.R. Mott, M. Bostock, J.P. Kirkpatrick, D. Nietlispach (2010) "Structure determination of the seven-helix transmembrane receptor sensory rhodopsin II by solution NMR spectroscopy." Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 17 768-774.
R.B. Fenwick, S. Prasannan, L.J. Campbell, D. Nietlispach, K.A. Evetts J. Camonis, H.R. Mott & D. Owen (2009) "Solution Structure and Dynamics of the Small GTPase RalB in Its Active Conformation: Significance for Effector Protein Binding" Biochemistry 48 2192-2206. PubMed. Full Text.
L.K. Bailey, L.J. Campbell, K.A. Evetts, K. Littlefield, E. Rajendra, D. Nietlispach, D. Owen & H.R. Mott. (2009) "The structure of binder of Arl2 (BART) reveals a novel G protein binding domain: Implications for function." J. Biol. Chem. 284 992-999. PubMed. Full Text.
L.K. Bailey, L.J. Campbell, K.A. Evetts, K. Littlefield, E. Rajendra, D. Nietlispach, D. Owen & H.R. Mott. "1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments for Binder of Arl2, BART" Biomol. NMR Assignments 3 33-36. PubMed. BioMagResBank.
Mott, H.R. and Owen, D. "Structure of Rho Family Targets" Handbook of Cell Signalling, Elsevier Science Eds. R. Bradshaw and E. Dennis (2009).
R.Thompson, P. Molina-Portela, H. Mott, M. Carrington & J. Roper (2009) "Hydrodynamic gene delivery of baboon trypanosome lytic factor eliminates both animal and human-infective African trypanosomes." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106 19509-19514.
D. Owen, L.J. Campbell, K. Littlefield, K.A Evetts, Z. Li, D.B. Sacks, P.N. Lowe & H.R. Mott. (2008) "The IQGAP1-Rac1 and IQGAP1-Cdc42 interactions: interfaces differ between the complexes." J. Biol. Chem. 283 1692-704. PubMed. Full text.
R. Modha, L.J. Campbell, D. Nietlispach, H.R. Buhecha, D. Owen & H.R. Mott (2008) "The Rac1 polybasic region is required for interaction with its effector PRK1." J. Biol. Chem. 283 1492-500. PubMed Full text.
R. B. Fenwick, S. Prasannan, L.J. Campbell, K.A. Evetts, D. Nietlispach, D. Owen & H.R. Mott (2008) "1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments for the active conformation of the small G protein RalB in complex with its effector RLIP76" Biomol. NMR Assignments 2 179-182. PubMed BioMagResBank.
R. B. Fenwick, S. Prasannan, L.J. Campbell, K.A. Evetts, D. Nietlispach, D. Owen & H.R. Mott (2008) "Resonance assignments for the RLIP76 Ral binding domain in its free form and in complex with the small G protein RalB" Biomol. NMR Assignments 2 191-194. PubMed BioMagResBank (free) BioMagResBank (complex).
N.G. Jones, D. Nietlispach, R. Sharma, D.F. Burke, I. Eyres, M. Mues, H.R. Mott & M. Carrington (2008) "Structure of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored domain from a trypanosome variant surface glycoprotein." J. Biol. Chem. 283 3584-93.
A.E. Elliot-Smith, D. Owen, H.R. Mott & P.N. Lowe (2007) "Double mutant cycle thermodynamic analysis of the hydrophobic Cdc42-ACK protein-protein interaction." Biochemistry 46 14087-99. PubMed
S. Prasannan, R.B. Fenwick, L.J. Campbell, K.A. Evetts, D. Nietlispach, D. Owen & H.R. Mott (2007) "1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments for the small G protein RalB in its active conformation" Biomol. NMR Assignments 1 147-149. PubMed BioMagResBank.
T.P. Knowles, A.W. Fitzpatrick, S. Meehan, H.R. Mott, M. Vendruscolo, C.M. Dobson & M.E. Welland (2007) "Role of intermolecular forces in defining material properties of protein nanofibrils." Science 318 1900-1903.
O. C. Hutchinson, K. Picozzi, N. G. Jones, H.R. Mott, R. Sharma, S. C. Welburn & M. Carrington (2007) "Variant Surface Glycoprotein gene repertoires in Trypanosoma brucei have diverged to become strain-specific" BMC Genomics 8 234
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H.R. Mott, D. Nietlispach, K.A. Evetts & D. Owen (2005) "Structural Analysis of the SH3 Domain of beta-PIX and its Interaction with alpha-p21 Activated Kinase (PAK)" Biochemistry 44 10977-10983. PubMed
D. Owen & H.R. Mott "Structural Analysis of Rho protein complexes" in "Small GTPases: RHO family" ed. E.Manser (2005).
A. Chattopadhyay, N.G. Jones, D. Nietlispach, P. R. Nielsen, H. P. Voorheis, H. R. Mott, & M. Carrington (2005) "Structure of the C-terminal domain from trypanosoma brucei variant surface glycoprotein MITat1.2" J. Biol. Chem. 280 7728-7735.
D. Nietlispach, H.R. Mott, K.M. Stott, P.R. Nielsen, A. Thiru & E.D. Laue (2004) "Structure determination of protein complexes by NMR" Methods Mol. Biol. 278 255-288.
S.J. Grimshaw, H.R. Mott, K.M. Stott, P.R. Nielsen, K.A. Evetts, L.J. Hopkins, D. Nietlispach & D. Owen (2004) "Structure of the SAM domain of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae MAPK pathway modulating protein STE50 and analysis of its interaction with STE11 SAM" J. Biol. Chem 279 2192-2201. PubMed. Full text.
A.D. Collinson, S.W Bligh, D.L. Graham, H.R. Mott, P.A. Chalk, N. Korniotis, P.N. Lowe (2004) "Fluorescence Properties of Green Fluorescent Protein FRET Pairs Concatenated with the Small G Protein, Rac, and Its Interacting Domain of the Kinase, p21-Activated Kinase" Assay Drug Dev. Technol. 2 659-73.
A. Thiru, D. Nietlispach, H.R. Mott, M. Okuwaki, D. Lyon, P.R. Nielsen, M. Hirshberg, A. Verreault, N.V. Murzina & E. D. Laue (2004) "Structural basis of chromo shadow domain/PXVXL motif peptide interactions: Localisation of HP1 proteins to heterochromatin" EMBO J. 23 489-499
D. Owen, P.N. Lowe, D. Nietlispach, C.E. Brosnan, D.Y. Chigardze, P.J. Parker, T.L. Blundell & H.R. Mott (2003) "Molecular Dissection of the Interaction between the small G proteins Rac1 and RhoA and protein kinase C related kinase (PRK1)" J. Biol. Chem. 278 50578-50587. PubMed. Full text.
H. Mott, D. Nietlispach, L.J. Hopkins, G. Mirey, J.H. Camonis & D. Owen (2003) "Structure of the GTPase binding domain of Sec5 and elucidation of its Ral biding site" J. Biol. Chem. 278 17053-17059. PubMed. Full text.
H.R. Mott, & D. Owen (2003) "Structure of Rho family targets" in Handbook of Cell Signalling Ed R.A. Bradshaw. E.A. Dennis (Elsevier).
P.R. Nielsen, D. Nietlispach, H.R. Mott, J. Callaghan, A. Bannister, T. Kouzarides, A.G. Murzin, N.V. Murzina & E.D. Laue (2002) "Structure of the HP1 chromodomain bound to histone H3 methylated at lysine 9" Nature 416 103-107.
A. Morreale, M. Venkatesan, H.R. Mott, D. Owen, D. Nietlispach, P.N. Lowe & E.D. Laue (2000) "Structure of Cdc42 bound to the GTPase binding domain of PAK" Nat. Struct. Biol. 7 384-388.
D. Owen, H.R. Mott, E.D. Laue & P.N. Lowe (2000) "Residues in Cdc42 which specify binding to individual CRIB effector proteins" Biochemistry 39 1243-1250
H.R. Mott, D. Owen, D. Nietlispach, P.N. Lowe, E. Manser, L. Lim & E.D. Laue (1999) "Structure of the small G Protein Cdc42 bound to the GTPase-binding domain of ACK Tyrosine Kinase" Nature 399 384-388.
G. Thompson, D. Owen, P.A Chalk & P.N. Lowe (1998) "Delineation of the Cdc42/Rac-Binding Domain of p21-Activated Kinase" Biochemistry 37 7885-7891.
K. Rittinger, P.A. Walker, J.F. Eccleston, K. Nurmahomed, D. Owen, E.D Laue, S.J. Gamblin & S.J. Smerdon (1997) "Crystal Structure of a small G protein in complex with the GTPase-activating protein RhoGAP" Nature 388 693-697.
F.Y. Luh, S.J. Archer, P.J. Domaille, B.O. Smith, D. Owen, D.H. Brotherton, A.R.C. Raine, X. Xu, L. Brizuela, S.L. Brenner & E.D. Laue (1997) "Structure of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p19Ink4d" Nature 389 999-1003.
Older Publications (before Cambridge)
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M.S.B. McAlister, H.R. Mott, A. Van der Merwe, A.N. Barclay, I.D. Campbell, S.J. Davis & P.C. Driscoll (1996) "NMR analysis of interacting soluble forms of the cell-cell recognition molecules CD2 and CD48" Biochemistry 35 5982-5991.
H.R. Mott, B.S. Baines, R.M. Hall, R.M. Cooke, P.C. Driscoll, M.P. Weir & I.D. Campbell (1995) "The solution structure of the F42A mutant of human interleukin 2" J. Mol. Biol. 247 979-994.
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P. Hodgkinson, H.R. Mott, P.C. Driscoll, J.A. Jones & P.J. Hore (1993) "Application of maximum entropy methods to three-dimensional NMR spectroscopy" J. Magn. Reson. B 101 218-222.
A. Steinkasserer, R. Solari, H.R. Mott, R.T. Aplin, C.C. Robinson, A.C. Willis & R.B. Sim (1992) "Human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist: high yield expression in E.coli and examination of cysteine residues" FEBS Lett. 310 63-65.
H.R. Mott, P.C. Driscoll, J. Boyd, R.M. Cooke & I.D. Campbell (1992) "Secondary structure of human IL-2 by 3D heteronuclear NMR" Biochemistry 31 7741-7744.
R.J.A. Grand, D. Owen, S.M. Rookes & P.H. Gallimore (1996) "Control of p53 expression by Adenovirus-12 early region 1A and early region 1B 54K proteins" Virology 218 23-34.
R.J.A. Grand, P.S. Lecane, D. Owen, M.L. Grant, S. Roberts, B.A. Levine & Gallimore, P.H. (1995) "The high levels of p53 present in Adenovirus early region-1 transformed human cells do not cause up-regulation of MDM2 expression" Virology 210 323-334.
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N.E. Keane, D.P. Molloy, R.J.A. Grand, D. Owen, B.A. Levine & L. Ellis (1993) "Peptide mimetics of nucleotide phosphate binding sites" Biochem. Soc. Trans. 21 2675-2676.
R.J.A. Grand & D. Owen (1991) "The biochemistry of ras, p21" Biochem. J. 279 609-631
D. Lodwick, D. Owen & P. Strike (1990) "DNA sequence analysis of the imp or protection and mutation operon of the plasmid TP110: identification of a third gene" Nucl. Acids Res. 18 5045-50.