The Colman Library is open for use by all members of the Department of Biochemistry, undergraduates taking the Medical, Veterinary or Natural Sciences Triposes, and members of other University of Cambridge departments whose work and study requires them to use our holdings. Visiting scientists and students are also welcome to use the Library by arrangement with the Secretariat Team.
Journals, serials and electronic resources
The majority of the Colman Library's resources are journals and serials. A finding list to help locate them is displayed in the Library corridor. The University of Cambridge operates an online public access catalogue, iDiscover, which details the journal and serial holdings of all University and College libraries.
The iDiscover catalogue can also search online articles (both in peer-reviewed journals and from other sources), ebooks, databases, electronic journals and other online content. Search results will indicate if the University has electronic access. Further information is available via the University Library eResources website.
Books and borrowing
The main book collection of the Colman Library includes general and specific texts in a number of key subject areas. Undergraduate textbooks and recommended books for the Medical and Veterinary Sciences Triposes Part IA Biochemistry and Medical Genetics course and the Natural Sciences Tripos Part IB Biochemistry and Molecular Biology course are also available. Books are categorised using an in-house system, searchable via iDiscover, and are shelved alphabetically by author/editor.
Books are available to borrow on an overnight loan basis only; please take them to the Hopkins Building Reception, along with your University Card, where you will be issued with a loan card. Up to five classified books, or two Part I textbooks or recommended books, may be borrowed at any one time. Books should be returned before 10am either to the Hopkins Building Reception or to the 'Book Returns' trolley in the Library corridor.
Members of the Department of Biochemistry and Part II/III Biochemistry students can request inter-library loans and photocopies of articles from certain other libraries via the Secretariat Team.
Reference and safety information
The Colman Library includes a small stock of general reference books and assorted scientific reference material, such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, tables and nomenclature. Copies of the University of Cambridge Safety Manual, HSE and HMSO health and safety information and other related items are also available. These items may only be used within the Library and are not available for loan.
Examination papers and projects
Reference copies of past examination papers are available via course Moodle sites. Specimen answers are available in the Library for Part II students to photocopy. Use of Part I answers is restricted to supervisors only.
Reference copies of previous Part II/III project reports are kept in the Library. Please speak to the Hopkins Building Receptionist to access these.