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Department of Biochemistry

PG student in the lab


The Department of Biochemistry at the University of Cambridge offers MPhil and PhD programmes across a wide range of research disciplines. As the largest Department in the School of the Biological Sciences, our students have tremendous exposure to cutting-edge research fields and technologies.


Masters and PhD programmes (by research)

The Department of Biochemistry offers an MPhil programme (1 year full-time, 2 years part-time) and a PhD programme (3 to 4 years full-time, 4 to 7 years part-time). Both programmes are research-based with students undertaking a research project agreed with their Principal Investigator. A written dissertation is examined via an oral examination. Successful students gain a pass and there are no grades.

Postgraduate training in Biochemistry is designed to train students to be effective and professional scientists competent in all core steps of research science.


MPhil Biological Sciences (Biomolecular Science/Cell Science)

The Biochemistry department is involved with the management and delivery of two pathways (Biomolecular Science and Cell Science) in the new MPhil in Biological Sciences, which includes both taught and research components.

Student Experience

Biochemistry postgraduate students will each join and fully participate in a research laboratory associated with their primary supervisor.

All students will further participate in the following:

  • Advanced techniques lectures and workshops,
  • Peer research group monthly meetings to network, and to discuss and present research progress with colleagues,
  • Postgraduate Thesis Panel meetings comprising three independent academics to monitor and discuss your progress,
  • Interim and Annual Progress Review Reports to plan and track all facets of your postgraduate education and development,
  • Weekly seminars and an annual Department Away Day.


In addition to the development of skills in the core steps of scientific research, students will also develop skills in:

  • Sourcing, assessing and critically evaluating scientific literature,
  • Time, data and resource management,
  • Collaborative and interpersonal professional behaviour,
  • Leadership.