Department of Biochemistry
Understanding in space and time multicomponent systems involved in cell regulation and targeting them in cancer and mycobacterial infections.
Molecular imaging of cancer.
Microglia in neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration.
Determining the molecular basis of cancer.
Collagen receptors and collagen-binding proteins.
Growth of solid tumours.
Chromatin remodelling and genome structure.
Molecular assembly lines and combinatorial biosynthesis.
Transforming growth factor-beta signalling pathways.
Functional genomics and systems biology.
Molecular microbiology: bacterial quorum sensing, virulence, protein secretion, antibiotics, gas vesicles and flotation, toxin-antitoxin systems and bacteriophage abortive infection.
Chromatin and gene regulatory proteins.
Electron microscopy of mitochondria in cardiac muscle tissue.
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