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Department of Biochemistry


Helena Rannikmae

Graduate student

Joined the lab: October 2015

Background and Current Project: I carried out my undergraduate degree at the University of Edinburgh in Biological Sciences with honours in Pharmacology. I then moved to Stockholm, Sweden to start my Master’s studies at Karolinska Institutet in Biomedicine with a specialisation in Tumour Biology. After my studies I joined AstraZeneca as part of a two-year Innovative Medicines Graduate programme working within the departments of R&D. During my rotations I was based in the sites located in Sweden as well as in the USA contributing to drug projects in the oncology and immunology space. In October 2015 I joined the de la Roche laboratory to determine the molecular principles defining epithelial cell polarity that is lost during tumorigenesis using 3D organotypic epithelial cultures.

Interests: I love travelling. I addition, I like to play squash and have recently taken up rowing.

Contact details

Research Group Leader  Marc de la Roche​


Location  Sanger Building


The de la Roche Group is accepting enquiries from prospective interns, undergraduate students, postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers.