2019-02-23 Saturday
Meeting with students from local school in Southampton (UK) organised by the UK Student Recruitment and Outreach Team at the University of Southampton. Activity organised by Muniza Siddiqui, widening participation team leader. This could be an excellent partnership for developing and testing the BES educational toolkit.

2019-02-25 Monday Center Pompidou, Bio-ID exhibition
(Paris, France)
The BEST device has managed to enter in the Center Pompidou in Paris to pay a visit to its artistic brother, the Robotic extruded algae-laden hydrogen. Artwork created by Shneel Malik, Dr Brenda Parker and Prof Macos Cruz. Many thanks to Juanma Garcia to escort me in this expedition.
2019-02-28 Thursday
Meeting with students from the Batxillerat - Escola Pia de Terrassa (Barcelona, Spain).
Many thanks to Pau Bosch for priming this meeting, all the teachers for organising this event (in particular Ms Anna Canals), the BEST device for performing and obviously the core of the meeting, all the students for attending the meeting with a very enthusiastic attitude.
2019-04-10 Wednesday
Meeting with students from the Syvstjerneskolen in Værløse (Copenhagen, Denmark).
Many thanks to Stephen Keller for priming this meeting, all the teachers for organising this event, the BEST device for performing and obviously the core of the meeting, all the students for attending the meeting with a very enthusiastic attitude.
2019-04-18 Thursday
Meeting at the FabLab Reykjavik (Reykjavik, Iceland).
Many thanks to the director of the FabLab Þóra Óskarsdóttir for permitting this meeting and all co-FabLab-ers to participate.
2019-05-03/05 (Friday/Sunday) IAAC, Urban Farming Workshop
(Barcelona, Spain)
Meeting attendees
- All the workshop attendees and staff members
- Paolo Bombelli
Contributed to run the workshop, help to create prototypes and delivering a talk to the workshop attendees. Many thanks to Dr Farinea for facilitating my visit.
2019-05-06 Monday
Meeting at the FabLab Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain).
With Guillem Camprodon (Fab Lab) we have discuss the possibility to power a Smart Citizen Kit with a floating algae BPV device. https://smartcitizen.me/