An update from the Cambridge University Biological Society.
Lent Term has begun and everyone is back to their busy routines. This term, BioSoc has prepared a line-up of incredible speakers from a whole spectrum of disciplines that are covalently or non-covalently linked to the biological sciences. Come along to find out everything from how herbal medicines find use in modern-day medicine, to why we sleep and nap! You will also learn how plant viruses are used to make drugs; how the structure of ATP synthase was elucidated with Sir John Walker; and how the World Health Organisation deals with outbreaks of Ebola and Zika viruses from Professor David Heymann! Decimating the misconception that maths has no place in biology, this term there will also be not one, but two, events dedicated to computational biology! Professor Lawrence Hunter from the US will be giving a talk about AI and bioinformatics, and BioSoc is teaming up with the Synthetic Biology Society to organise a workshop on how to use coding in solving biological problems.
Up-to-date information about our talks and events can be found on our website and our Facebook page. You can also sign up to our mailing list.
The talks are free for life members and cost £3 for everyone else. Tickets and life memberships (which cost £10) can be bought on the door at any event.